INL Retired Employees Association

P.O. Box 50056

Idaho Falls, ID 83405

The board of the INL Retired Employees Association (IREA) extends an invitation to you to join us. Our current IREA membership of over 300 includes a wide range of work backgrounds and ages ranging from 55 to more mature. Membership benefits include two social functions, two general meetings, at least one technical program, and three newsletters each year.  Members also have access to the IREA webpage.

  • Our social functions include a summer social and a golf tournament held in the late summer and a banquet held in the early spring with the focus on good food and reconnecting with friends.
  • General meetings provide members with a wide range of speakers covering topics of general, local, regional, or national interest, plus time to socialize and enjoy a light meal of pizza and soda – we even provide gluten free pizza so all can enjoy the light meal.
  • Technical programs and tours cover new projects at the laboratory, energy related issues, or any topic you would like to suggest to the program chair.
  • The IREA newsletter is packed with information:
  1. President’s message
  2. INL retiree benefits, financial planning, and retirement plan updates
  3. INL research and operations happenings
  4. Upcoming social events and meetings
  5. Those no longer with us
  6. INL Benefits & Finance points of contact for retirees
  • Our IREA webpage ( allows you to connect with association happenings via computer from anywhere.

Being part of IREA provides you with a way to stay in touch with INL retirees and opportunities to find out what is happening at the laboratory and in our community. Hope to see you at our next event!

Email Membership Chair to update your mailing address & for membership questions.