IREA 2023 SPRING Luncheon 


May 10 Social Event/Annual Meeting


The IREA social and annual meeting was held at the Hilton Garden Inn on May 10, 2023.  The event was well-attended with 47 IREA members and 3 guests from the Idaho Environmental Coalition (IEC). The Hilton provided a great meal consisting of a potato bar, with all the fixings, salad and desserts.  Ty Blackford, President and Program Manager for IEC spoke to the status and accomplishments for cleanup activities at the site.  Retrieval of buried transuranic waste has been completed and shipments of transuranic waste to the repository continue.  Spent fuel has been removed from the storage pools and placed in dry storage.  The Integrated Waste Treatment Unit has begun treatment of tank sodium-bearing liquid.  Ty’s talk was very informative and engaging as a number of questions were asked by the audience.  The Annual Meeting was conducted for the election of officers.  New IREA officers are:  Tom Clements-President; Louis Valenti-Vice President; Ken Krivanek-Secretary; and Bob Skinner- Treasurer. A good time was had by all!

Here are photos of the 2023 luncheon. Ty Blackford is in the first photo.

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